Dobrochna Kałwa (Poland)
Dobrochna Kałwa is historian and Assistant
Professor at the University of Warsaw (Faculty
of History), Poland. She is editor of Aspasia.
The International Yearbook of Central,
Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's
and Gender History, member of Women’s
History Committee at the Polish Academy of
Science and co-founder of Polish Oral History
Association. Her research interests include
gender history of 19th and 20th century EastCentral Europe, theory of oral history,
women’s migration in contemporary Europe,
collective memory of women’s movements in
Poland. She is author and co-author of a number of books:
Migration als Ressource. Zur Pendelmigration
polnischer Frauen in Privathaushalte der
Bundersrepublik, Openladen 2009 [with S.
Metz-Göckel, S. Münst]; Kobieta aktywna w
Polsce międzywojennej. Dylematy środowisk
kobiecych [An active woman in interwar
Poland. Dilemma of women movement],
Kraków 2001; co-editor of Imaginations and
Configurations of Polish Society: From the
Middle Ages through the Twentieth Century,
Heyde J., Hüchtker D., Kałwa D., et al. (eds.),
Wallstein Verlag GmbH 2017; From
mentalities to anthropological history. Theory
and methods, B. Klich-Kluczewska, D. Kałwa
(eds.), Kraków 2012.