Leanne Calvert (UK)
Leanne Calvert is a historian of women, gender and the family, with a special focus on Presbyterian families in Ireland and North America, between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She has published widely on Irish family life, including articles on courtship and sex in Presbyterian Ulster with Irish Historical Studies, youth and adolescence with Irish Economic and Social History, childbirth and Irish fathers with Journal of Family History, and marriage and marital relationships in Women’s History Review. Leanne recently co-edited a special issue of Women's History on 'Women and the Family in Ireland. New Directions and Perspectives, 1550-1950' with Maeve O'Riordan.
Leanne is currently working on her book project, 'Sexuality and Social Control: Irish Presbyterians in North America, 1717-1830', which is funded by the British Academy Small Grants Scheme (2020-2022). Initial funding was received from the Presbyterian Historical Society Research Fellowship (USA) and the Women's' History Association Anna Parnell Travel Grant.
Leanne is currently based at the University of Hertfordshire (UK) where she is a Lecturer in History. She is the Co-Director of the Perceptions of Pregnancy Research Network. You can follow Leanne's latest project 'Promiscuous Presbyterians' here and on Twitter @PPresbyterians
l.calvert@herts.ac.uk @DrLeanneCalvert