Sandra Trudgen Dawson (USA)
Sandra Trudgen Dawson (USA) is Executive Administrator of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. She received a PhD in History and Feminist Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2007. She taught British and European women's history, the history of medicine, feminist theory and international women's health in the History departments and Women's Studies programs at Northern Illinois and University of Maryland, Baltimore County for twelve years. She was Executive Director of the Coordinating Council for Women in History from 2010-2020. Her first book, Holiday Camps in Twentieth Century Britain: Packaging Pleasure, was published by Manchester University Press in 2011. Dawson co-edited Consuming Behaviours: Identity, Politics and Pleasure in Twentieth-century Britain, published by Bloomsbury, 2015; Homefronts: Britain and the Empire at War, 1939-1945, published by Boydell, 2017; Women's Experiences of war: Exile, Survival and Everyday Life, with Mark Crowley, forthcoming, Boydell; and Engendering Transnational Transgressions: From the Intimate to the Global, with Eileen Boris and Barbara Molony, forthcoming, Routledge. She has published a number of articles on popular culture and leisure, women's wartime work and most recently, on child refugees and the emotional cost of internationalism. Dawson's monograph, Mothers and Midwives Under Fire: Reproductive Labours in Interwar and Wartime Britain, is forthcoming with Lexington books