Tiina Kinnunen (Finland)

Professor Tiina Kinnunen works at the History Department of Oulu University, Finland. She is a specialist of nineteenth and twentieth century European, particularly Northern European, women’s and gender history, with focus on transnational feminism, social and cultural history of war, history of historiography, and biography. Her current biographical project deals with the feminist lives of Alexandra Gripenberg and Ellen Key from comparative and entangled perspectives. She has recently finished an article on Key’s reception in Germany and co-edited a volume on everyday nationalism in nineteenth century Baltic Sea area, with an article on Gripenberg’s double identification as a nationalist and internationalist, all pieces forthcoming next year. Among her most recent publications is “Feminist Biography in Finland and Sweden around 1900: Creation of Bonds of Admiration and Gratitude.” In: Angelika Schaser, Sylvia Schraut, Petra Steymans-Kurz (eds.), Erinnern, vergessen, umdeuten? Europäische Frauenbewegungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Campus Verlag 2019. She has served as the President of Finnish Historical Society in 2016-2017 and IFRWH Newsletter Editor in 2015-2020.